Python user manual ================== == How to start Import the library and call its methods with ceflib.method-name() ---- $ python >>> import ceflib >>> ("C1_CP_CIS-HIA_ONBOARD_MOMENTS__20030927_V01.cef") >>> print ceflib.varnames () ---- Import all the methods of the library in current environment: ---- $ python >>> from ceflib import * >>> read ("C1_CP_CIS-HIA_ONBOARD_MOMENTS__20030927_V01.cef") >>> print varnames () ---- == Librairie Reference === verbosity (level) Set CEFLIB verbosity level (0..5) that can be useful to debug in case of problem. You can set level to 0 to suppress unexpected CEFLIB messages. === read (filename) -> integer Read CEF file content and load data in memory. Return error code (0 if OK) .Example ---- >>> status = read ("C1_CP_CIS-HIA_ONBOARD_MOMENTS__20030927_V01.cef") 1 : CEF.Clear_descriptor : Release memory 1 : CEF.Open_CEF_file : C1_CP_CIS-HIA_ONBOARD_MOMENTS__20030907_V09.cef.gz 1 : CEF.Read_CEF_header : 20206 records found in 0.03 seconds 1 : CEF.Read_CEF_header : 24 values per record 1 : CEF.Display_variables : 12 variables + 0 constants 1 : CEF.Read_CEF_file : 20206 records physically read in 0.06 seconds 1 : CEF.Read_CEF_file : STATUS = 0 : OK : Terminaison correcte >>> print status == 0 and "OK" or "Error" OK ---- NOTE: You can open a regular .cef file or a compressed .cef.gz file === read_metadata (filename) -> integer New method (added in v1.8.0) that parse the metadata content of a given CEF header, without reading data records to improve performance. Any metadata queries will be available, but the content of variables is undefined. ---- >>> status = read_metadata ("C1_CP_CIS-HIA_ONBOARD_MOMENTS__20030927_V01.cef") 1 : CEF.Clear_descriptor : Release memory 1 : CEF.Open_CEF_file : C1_CP_CIS-HIA_ONBOARD_MOMENTS__20030907_V09.cef.gz 1 : CEF.Read_CEF_header : 24 values per record 1 : CEF.Display_variables : 12 variables + 0 constants 1 : CEF.Read_CEF_metadata : STATUS = 0 : OK : Terminaison correcte ---- === close () Release allocated ressources. === records () -> integer Return the number of records in the current CEF file. ---- >>> print records () 20206 ---- NOTE: Is the file has been opened with read_metadata(), the records() function will return 1, instead of the number of records in the file. === gattributes () -> list of strings Return the list of CEF global attributes ---- >>> print gattibutes () ['FILE_NAME', 'FILE_FORMAT_VERSION', 'END_OF_RECORD_MARKER', 'DATA_UNTIL'] ---- === gattr (attribute-name) -> string Return value of a global attribute. ---- >>> print gattr ("FILE_NAME") C1_CP_CIS-HIA_ONBOARD_MOMENTS__20030907_V09.cef ---- === metanames () -> list of strings Return list of metadata sections names. ---- >>> print metanames ()[:5] ['Logical_file_ID', 'Generation_date', 'File_time_span', 'Version_number', 'MISSION'] ---- === meta (metadata) -> list of string Return values for a given metadata section ---- >> for m in metanames (): print m, meta (m) Logical_file_ID ['C1_CP_CIS-HIA_ONBOARD_MOMENTS__20030907_V09'] Generation_date ['2013-09-09T18:01:52Z'] File_time_span ['2003-09-07T00:00:00.000Z/2003-09-07T23:59:59.999Z'] Version_number ['09'] MISSION ['Cluster'] MISSION_TIME_SPAN ['2000-08-16T12:39:00Z/2030-12-31T23:59:59Z'] MISSION_AGENCY ['ESA'] ... ---- NOTE: this function returns allways a list of strings, even there is only one value. === varnames () -> list of strings Return the list of CEF variables defined in the current file ---- >>> print "\n".join (varnames ()) time_tags delta_time sensitivity cis_mode density velocity_isr2 velocity_gse temperature temp_par temp_perp pressure pressure_tensor ---- === var (varname) -> numpy array of variable data type Return data content for the specified variable name ---- >>> print var ("density") [ 0.01923148 0.03846296 0.01035187 ..., 0.01831131 0.01923148 0.02668483] >>> print var ("time_tags") [ 1.44158400e+12 1.44158401e+12 1.44158401e+12 ..., 1.44167035e+12 1.44167036e+12 1.44167036e+12] ---- === vattributes (varname) -> list of strings Return list of attibutes for a given variable ---- >>> vattributes ("density") ['CATDESC', 'FIELDNAM', 'PARAMETER_TYPE', 'VALUE_TYPE', 'ENTITY', 'PROPERTY', 'UNITS', 'SI_CONVERSION', 'DEPEND_0', 'QUALITY', 'SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS', 'FILLVAL'] ---- === vattr (varname, attribute) -> string Get attribute value for a given variable ---- >>> vattr ("density", "UNITS") 'particles cm^-3' >>> for a in vattributes ("density"): print "%s = %s" % (a, vattr("density", a)) CATDESC = Density (in cm^-3) FIELDNAM = Density PARAMETER_TYPE = Data VALUE_TYPE = FLOAT ENTITY = Ion PROPERTY = Mass_Density UNITS = particles cm^-3 SI_CONVERSION = 1e6>(particles) m^-3 DEPEND_0 = time_tags QUALITY = 3 SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS = 6 FILLVAL = -1e31 ---- === isotime_to_milli (string) -> double Converts ISOTIME string to internal time-tags ---- >>> t = isotime _to_milli ("2003-09-07T00:00:03Z") ---- === milli_to_isotime (double, integer) -> string Converts internal time-tags to ISOTIME strings. The first arguments must be the content of an ISOTIME CEF variable. The precision represents the number of digits after the dot: * 0 for plain seconds * 3 for milli-seconds * 6 for micro-seconds ---- >>> t = var("time_tags") [0] >>> t 1.4415840031e+12 >>> print milli_to_isotime (t, 0) 2003-09-07T00:00:03Z >>> print milli_to_isotime (t, 3) 2003-09-07T00:00:03.103Z ----