CEFLIB download

The CEFLIB is delivered as a source package, CEFLIB-x.y.tar.gz.

The package is organized in several directories, than can be builded
separately :

* LIB : general purpose library (madatory)
* C : CEFLIF core library (mandatory)
* IDL : IDL library API (optional)
* MATLAB : MATLAB library API (optional)
* PYTHON : Python language API (optional)

You can choose to build the IDL and/or MATLAB and/or Python libraries,
depending on the softwares installed in your computer.

=== CEFLIB python for Windows (Beta release)

You can find here binaries for Windows, for x86_64 architecture (64 bits).

* link:documents/python-ceflib-windows.zip[]

This delivery contains Windows binaries :

- ceflib.pyd : Python library
- CEFLIB.dll : C langage API used by Python library
- zlib1.dll : C langage gzip API

Extract files from zip in a given directory, then run python and try using it.

=== CEFLIB IDL for Windows (Beta release)

You can find here binaries for Windows, for x86_64 architecture (64 bits).

Please follow notes in README file for installation.

* link:page=ceflib-windows[]

Comments are welcome !

=== Latest release (Beta)

* link:/documents/CEFLIB-1.8.2.tar.gz[CEFLIB-1.8.2.tar.gz] (2017/09/14)
.Bug fix
NOTE: Metadata truncation of strings containing __ pattern

=== Older releases

* link:/documents/CEFLIB-1.8.1.tar.gz[CEFLIB-1.8.1.tar.gz] (2016/06/24)
This release is necessary if you want to use the CEFLIB PYTHON API with Python 3.x,
rather than usual Python 2.x

* link:/documents/CEFLIB-1.8.0.tar.gz[CEFLIB-1.8.0.tar.gz] (2016/03/19)
This release will be necessary to build CEFLIB Matlab API on MacOSX "El

More information can be found at:

* link:page=news[What's new...] 
* link:page=bugs#el_capitan[Known bugs...]


* link:/documents/CEFLIB-1.7.3.tar.gz[CEFLIB-1.7.3.tar.gz] (2014/02/20)

* link:/documents/CEFLIB-1.7.2.tar.gz[CEFLIB-1.7.2.tar.gz] (2013/09/27)

* link:/documents/CEFLIB-1.7.1.tar.gz[CEFLIB-1.7.1.tar.gz] (2013/09/04)